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Letters From Listeners

It's the Little Romantic Things

Hi Dr. Laura,

I just went to Lowe's to get some new plants for our little garden, plus some special things for tonight to make MY incredible husband of 13 plus years his favorite meal for Valentine's Day.

When he woke up this morning, he saw I had put Valentine decorations on his bathroom mirrors, to begin his day. We exchanged beautiful cards together at 5 am! When I packed his lunch...I had wrapped his sandwiches in Valentines paper, with a heart I had cut out and colored (NOT an artist for sure!!!), and a little box of mints that said "Crazy 4 You" on top.

When I just returned from shopping...I was greeted by a big box on my front doorstep marked Shari's Berries!! Inside are the MOST incredible chocolate dipped berries from my sweetie. The box is already lighter by 3!!! I called him out on the job site where he works to tell him how very much I love him and APPRECIATE him.

I put love notes in his lunch routinely telling him how loved and appreciated he is. No, it's not about the gorgeous flowers he brought home last night....or the berries's the shark-infested waters he swims through EVERY DAY for me and our marriage. Tell your listeners that if they WANT a great marriage...and want to KEEP a great the little romantic things that sometimes get lost after several years of just getting "comfortable" with each other. Little things make a spark that will keep things ignited for a lifetime. I've learned SO MUCH from listening to you...and with that, I say thank you. I know you will have a wonderful Valentine's Day as well.

Chris, a very faithful listener

Tags: Behavior, Generosity, Holidays, Marriage, Valentine's Day
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