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Email of the Day

My Husband is the Most Selfless Person I Know

When my now-husband and I got engaged (but were living 12 hours apart until I finished my last year of college), I was driving a car that was on its last tire!

My incredible man decided, without telling me, to sell the truck he had worked so long and hard to buy, and was so proud of, so he could buy me a dependable car. He drove that car all the way from Salt Lake City, UT to Washington State and drove mine back to Salt Lake. He broke down on the way home, but managed to get it going again and told me none of this for quite some time. Since his transportation was now gone, he bought a motorcycle, because that's what he could afford, and drove it, even in the cold Utah winters.

Tears still fill my eyes when I think of that. And now, 23 wonderful years later, we are still in love like it was the first year. He is still the most selfless person I know and that makes me want to be the best wife ever.

I am my kids' mom and husband's adoring girlfriend.


Tags: Admiration, Attitude, Behavior, Dating, Marriage, Morals/Ethics/Values, Raising Boys to Men, Read On-Air, Real men, Respect, Values
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