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Email of the Day

My Husband's Pride

Dr. Laura:

I recently heard a caller who had no problem being supported by his wife's parents.  Let me tell you about my husband, who is the exact opposite.  He takes enormous pride in the fact that we have done everything on our own, with no help from either of our families.

We got married and built an apartment on the side of his parents' barn!  We paid for all of it and lived there for a year and a half while we saved money for a down payment on a house.  We bought a very modest house, but it was what we could afford on our own.  It felt really good to do that.

My husband's brothers though, are snowflakes.  They each live in their wives' parents' houses, pay minimum or no rent, and have their wives' parents pay for car payments, repairs and more and have NO problem with this lifestyle.  My husband has looked them dead in the eye and asked them how they can feel like MEN living like that.  You can imagine how much they like us!

My husband is a real man who supports me staying home with the kids and feels pride in the fact that he provides for our whole family on one income.  Everything we own we have bought or done with our lives we have done on our own with our hard-earned money.  Thank you for helping us realize that we are doing the right thing.


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Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Marriage, Parenting, Personal Responsibility, Raising Boys to Men, Stay-at-Home Mom, Values
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