Television's Kurt The Cyberguy Picks
Press Release:
This Wednesday, April 16, Kurt The Cyberguy's television news segment will feature
, a new career exploration site for teens 20s! In late 2002, the site enlarged its scope, overhauled its look to "awesome", and just finished archiving it's 75+ web radio career shows for streaming 24x7 one week ago. And, it caught the eye of Kurt The Cyberguy.
The 90-second segment will highlight high school senior, Erin Loveridge of San Pedro, California, talking about how
, has helped her. The segment will air on Tribune Company television stations in Los Angeles (KTLA 5), New York City (WPIX), Chicago (WGN), Denver (KWGN), and Indianapolis in the morning and nightly news. It may also air on other Tribune television stations around the country as well.
Jill Sanborne, site creator says, "I'm hoping we're helping lots of teenagers! Erin's concerns are typical of many high school students who want to pursue a career that they will love." Sanborne expands, "Erin needs to choose a college that fits her career dreams, she wants to figure out how to narrow the variety of dreams swirling around in her intelligent head, decide on which dreams to focus, get financial aid, and on and on."
Sanborne is often heard on radio shows around the country talking about teens and their desperate search for more and better career information, why television is good, how today's workplace has dramatically changed, but the way we prepare our teens for the workplace hasn't, and how parents need to take on a new role: #1 Career Guidance Leader.
This week's web radio interview is with Rebecca Morse, Art Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, California. This career was requested by a teen in New York who can't decide between being an art curator or a graphic designer.
Sanborne says, "I get these kinds of questions all the time!
, is designed to help these teens get to know themselves better and shows them how to explore their career ideas so that they can make the best decisions possible by the time they graduate from high school, and provides them with tools for a lifetime."
,, popular career exploration website for teens and 20's, features The 3 Steps To Your Cool Career and the info-packed 30-minute career interviews. Sanborne researches teens' needs and provides solutions to the challenges they face in preparing for rewarding careers, is a regular guest on talk shows, and speaks to teens and parent audiences about how teens can prepare for an awesome future. The site is recommended by
, endorsed by Barbara Sher and the Los Angeles Unified School District Counseling Services K-12.