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Letters From Listeners

Planning Grown-Up Fun Can Be Good Too
A few days ago, I realized my husband and I hadn't had sex in a couple weeks. Because of this, I was feeling somewhat disconnected from him. So I took the initiative and sent him a text message telling him that if we went to bed early that night I would "rock his world." As a result we both spent the day looking forward to our evening together, and instead of it causing us to lose the mood, it turned us on even more. 

It's so easy to just say I'm too tired at the end of the day, but when we had it "preplanned" it made us be more accountable for sustaining our relationship. Neither one of us wanted to back out because we knew the other person was looking forward to having some "grown-up" fun. I'm definitely going to plan for love-making more often, rather than waiting to be spontaneous and then being "too tired." 

Thanks for all you do to help me be a better girlfriend to my husband. Because of you, I learned to choose wisely and treat kindly!

Tags: choose wisely treat kindly, Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Marriage, personal responsibility, Sex
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