Dr. Laura!
LOVE YOU! I am a 35 y/o married woman with a fabulous husband and 2 great kids. I have been listening you for more than 20 years. I even called you last year and boy did you help my family big time, so THANK YOU! I keep meaning to call you to give you an update, so hopefully one of these days I will find the time.
My darling hubby downloads your podcasts for me every week so I can listen to them while I exercise every morning at 5:30 at our local YCMA. Trust me, he never forgets! He knows it is certainly in his best interest I get my daily dose of Dr. Laura!
I was so impressed with your commentary on helicopter parenting. I am very proud to be a helicopter parent from a distance, although it never really registered with me that was in fact what I was doing. I am THAT mom who attends ALL events, even those where parents aren't required to be. I blend into the background so my children have their freedom, but I am there if I am needed. I can't tell you how many "Drop-Off" birthday parties my girls are invited to at places such as amusement parks, water parks and indoor play gyms. How can 2 parents adequately supervise 20 4 year olds?!?!? Thank you so much for bringing this to your listeners' attention. We moms often feel we are being overprotective. It is important we instead feel we are simply doing our jobs correctly.
Just one more quick story that presents such a sad commentary on today's parents. My 4 and 7 year old girls are in a dance class together. They will be having an end of the year recital at a large theatre in a local city's downtown. This is a big theatre where concerts and plays are performed at and seats thousands. It dawned on me that my 2 girls would be backstage for the 2 hour concert being supervised by who knows who while my hubby and I would be sitting in the theatre. I asked if it would be possible for me to stay with my girls backstage to ensure their safety. The instructor was shocked. She said that every year they have to BEG one parent to volunteer to watch the children backstage and no one ever wants to miss their darling girls doing their little dance on stage. I see my little girls dance every day in our home while we sing and have fun. I don't need to see it on stage. I need to make sure they are safe. I can't believe I am the only parent in HUNDREDS who feels this way. So sad.
Thank you for all that you do. I love the new format, especially your extended commentaries an updates from previous callers. It is so nice to hear how things worked out for them. God bless you and your family, especially your son, for helping to keep our wonderful country safe.
P.S. I have been working with my trainer to do your push-up from lying flat on the floor. I am almost there!