Written By: Jonathan Friesen
Publisher: Recorded Books
From the Press ReleaseBook Description:
Award-winning author and former schoolteacher Jonathan Friesen has a knack for crafting exciting stories teenagers want to read. Rush features 18-year-old Jake King, an adrenaline junkie who jumps at the chance to join an elite group of firefighters who rappel into wildfires. Known as the Immortals, these heroes have a habit of dying young. But Jake's sort-of girlfriend thinks there's more to the Immortals' high death rate than bad luck.
Eighteen-year-old Jake's latest stunt got him kicked out of school, but that's small potatoes to a kid who scales bare mountain rock in the pouring rain and dives off treacherous waterfalls without blinking. It's all for the rush, which erases the itching numbness of normal life. Though he has avoided the firefighting life of his father and older brother-and much of their town-now it seems like the only way to salvage his troubled life. Just like that, he is hired on to a hotshot helicopter rappelling crew alongside men so badass they debate dinner choices while beating back blazes. Quickly Jake clashes with Mox, the leader of an elite group called the Immortals, as well as a secret society called the Rush Club-a grim brotherhood of daredevils that Jake is simultaneously attracted to and repelled by. The irony is that in the midst of the firefighting season Jake develops a healthy respect for danger as his relationship with longtime friend Salome evolves, and he finally feels as though he has something to lose.
Friesen's thrill ride benefits from its unusual setting and its pulse-pounding action. [Grades 9-12; young adult novel]
About the Authors:
Jonathan Friesen is an author, speaker, and youth writing coach from Mora, Minnesota. His first young adult novel, Jerk, California, received the ALA Schneider Award. When he's not writing, speaking at schools, or teaching, Jonathan loves to travel and hang out with his wife and three kids. Read more at JonathanFriesen.com

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