SEW proud to be Her "Kids#146; Mom"
by Pamela Tripaldi
Pamela Tripaldi is the founder of "You Can Make It." Hundreds of parents have begun to earn money from home by teaching sewing, using lesson plans and instructional videos from "You Can Make It." When reflecting on her priorities in life, Pamela says, "My children are gifts that God has given me. My first obligation is to nurture those gifts. The second gift that I got was sewing. I am very lucky to be able to work with all the gifts that I was given, and to help other people achieve that dream also."
Starting "You Can Make It"
When my first daughter was born in 1987 I became a stay-at-home mom. My second daughter came in 1989. After many years of being home with my girls, I felt the need for a creative outlet. I wanted to do something, but didn#146;t want to work full-time. Having been involved with sewing since my teen years, I decided in 1992 to approach my local fabric store and ask if I could offer sewing lessons. The classes were very successful. I am fortunate to have a supportive husband who stayed at home in the evening to watch the girls when I was starting the business. (Spending time with the kids while the wife launches a business from home is a bonus for fathers, in my opinion.)
After offering sewing lessons locally I realized that teaching others to sew is something that other people could do. I decided to write out my seven-level sewing curriculum and offer it to others, so they could do what I did. After two years of writing into the wee hours of the morning -- days were too much fun to give up -- my lesson plan was complete. I started marketing it nationally in 1994. This was the beginning of my company, "You Can Make It."
Making it Work
Along with the curriculum, I have produced a series of sewing videos. The videos follow the same seven- level curriculum as the teaching manuals. Producing the "You Can Make It" videos has been a seven-year project for my company and my family. My girls have been in each video and my husband will be in Level Seven. With the help of a teacher, or just by watching the videos, anyone can learn to sew.
Although I no longer have time to offer sewing lessons personally, my business keeps me very busy. We have over 300 teachers using our curriculum. Most of them are in the United States, but we also have affiliates in China, Canada and other countries. My office is in my home, and I employ local high-school students to help me after school so I can shuffle my kids (now 13 and 12) around. Occasionally it is still necessary to work late at night, because I#146;ve taken time to see a school play or spend the day with my girls. I am truly blessed to have had the support of my family, and, all the while, being available to my family when they need me.
We now have experienced sewing teachers all over the world, sharing their talents and the skills they#146;ve learned. My dream of teaching others to sew, while keeping my family as my first priority, has come true.
How How Others Can "Make It" Too
"You Can Make It" is structured so that people can earn extra income by using our program to help them offer sewing lessons. We supply everything that an experienced seamstress needs to teach. There is a one-time purchase price for the program, with no franchise, monthly or student fees. The teacher#146;s initial cost is minimal. He/she needs two or three sewing machines, which we recommend they borrow from friends until their income is sufficient to purchase their own. Teachers pay a small yearly fee to continue to receive student referrals, our newsletter with pattern suggestions and all updates to our program.
"You Can Make It" teachers can offer lessons at a local fabric store, community center, church, or in their own homes. Some of our teachers offer free classes at shelters for abused women, in jails or in other community service settings. Our curriculum includes commercially available patterns, so there is no need to keep returning to us to buy supplies.
We#146;ve made it easy to start earning money by offering complete lesson plans, advertising materials, marketing tips, and other sewing teachers to network with. We even have a free referral service. When potential students contact us, we refer them to a "You Can Make It" teacher near them.
Sewing is becoming popular again, and many more adults than children wish to learn to sew. In addition to being a wonderful hobby, sewing can be a means for anyone to become financially independent. With the skill of sewing, the prospects are wide open in home decorating, alterations, dressmaking, and dress designing and other services. All are excellent avenues for providing income while allowing one to structure a life around family. If you would like to learn more about You Can Make It, visit us on the web at:
or call us toll-free at (888) LRN-2-SEW.
You can purchase
"You Can Make It" sewing videos
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