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Email of the Day

Small Changes Equal Big Impact

I have been married for 15 years.  To prevent my marriage from getting stale, even though we love each other, I always remember to consider him in everything I do (something I learned from you, Dr. Laura!).  Here are some small, subtle things I've done that have uplifted our relationship tremendously:

1.  I used to complain to my girlfriends if my husband wasn't super helpful with the kids or household stuff.  I've learned to stop doing that, realizing that you insult yourself if you insult him, because you're in this together.

2.  I spend more time just being affectionate and have called him during his work breaks just to chat, or because I just HAVE to tell him something funny that made me laugh.

3.  I kiss him on the nose instead of the lips sometimes when he gets home and tell him that the kids and I have been waiting to see him.

It's amazing how these small changes have elevated the love we already have and how much more of a fabulous father he has become.  And in the last few months, he's called ME from work just to chat.  If you show him this kind of affection, your kids will learn to love just as lovingly as you do.  Love his imperfections, because when he does have a "perfect" moment, you notice it and are all the more thankful for him, especially now during this time of crisis.

Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Marriage, Values
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