Taming The Small Business Beast
By Kristie Tamsevicius
Speaker, Home Biz Expert Mother of Two
Owning a small business can be a dream come true, or a nightmare if you let it be. Without careful and deliberate attention, a new fledgling business can take over your life and leave you miserable. So how do you keep your business from overrunning your life? Here are a few tips to help you lighten your workload.
Tips for lighten your entrepreneurial workload
Say No! Say no to clients who aren't your "ideal" clients. Say "no" to things that don't honor your personal needs and agenda.
Clear the clutter. Keep your work area neat, plan your day, and keep a good calendar. It's easier to stay focused and productive when you know where everything is.
Prioritize. After you make your to do list, put a star beside the top three priorities for the day for yourself and your business. Promise yourself if you get these things done, that the rest can "wait".
Uphold your personal boundaries. Say "no" to clients, opportunities, and projects that that don't feel good. Clearly communicating with your clients and family members about your policies, your work hours, and what they can expect. By letting clients know that you have set work hours, they can respect your family time. Similarly, you can tell your family not to call you with personal chitchat until your "home" hours begin. Caller ID can help you identify calls to see if they are from family, friends, or pesky sales people.
Eliminate energy drains. Is there a friend or client who drives you nuts? Are you doing overkill with housework? Is there an unresolved problem in your life?
Give yourself ample time to do everything. When you try to accomplish too many things in too little time you set yourself up for catastrophe. By working at a steady pace, making time to dream, reevaluate your goals, and making the space for change, you'll leave you'll have the energy and time for "million dollar: opportunities when they come.
Don't over promise yourself. If you need 2 days to work on a project, say it will take 3 and then pleasantly surprise the client.
Learn to delegate. Identify only those tasks, which you NEED to perform and hand the rest of to an assistant. Maybe it's time to hire a bookkeeper to help with the bills and invoicing. Is there some work you can outsource? You'll feel "lighter" not having to do tasks that drain you and can invest the newfound time and energy into growing your business.
Simplify and Systematize. Manage your time efficiently. Group similar tasks together.
Work with your body's natural rhythms. If you are more alert early in the morning, tackle those tough tasks first. If you wake up later with the 5th cup of coffee, then read your mail or perform a no-brainer task first.
Take a Break! Learn how to slow down and unwind during off hours. Stay in touch with friends. Pamper yourself. Creating a routine such as drinking a cup of hot tea, or changing to comfy clothes to help you mentally switch to "relaxation" time. Stop to enjoy the impromptu kisses, songs, and pretty pictures your kids offer you. If your child wants a moment, stop, breathe, give it to him, enjoy the special feeling of that moment then move on.
** Starting or growing a business online? Here's a free web-based guide that details exactly how to do it right...
Kristie is a leading expert in the areas of home based business, Internet marketing, and web development. She is the author of three books including her newest release,
"I LOVE MY LIFE: A Mom's Guide to Working from Home"
(Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing 2003) available at Amazon.com. Join
, an online community for work at home parents. Permission granted for DrLaura.com.