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Email of the Day

The Best Gift My True Love (and True Hero) Ever Gave Me

Dr. Laura:

My husband and I were married almost a year when we decided to start our family. Several months later, we found out we were having twin boys! However, I delivered them at only 28 weeks, and after 6 short days in the NICU, our youngest went home to Heaven. 63 days later, our eldest joined him.

We were crushed, but at my husband's insisting, I got pregnant again right away. I wanted another boy very badly, but was sure I would not get one, just because everything else had gone wrong with babies up to then. However, on December 7th, at 37 weeks, our new son was born, healthy, strong and quite special. He has been the light of our life.   Shortly afterward, we had what I affectionately call our “fortunate accident” – and I discovered I was pregnant again, with another boy.

My sons are 14 months apart and are great buds. My husband is a great man and would do anything for us. He went back to school full time, while also working full time in order to facilitate my being a stay-at-home mom. I love my husband and the best gift he ever gave me was, well, himself really! Because of him, I have two great boys, a comfortable home and the privilege of getting to be with my babies every second of every day. (Not that there are not days I wouldn't mind a LITTLE quiet!) His heart truly is the best gift he could have given me.


Tags: Appreciation, Attitude, Behavior, Gratitude, Husband, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Pregnancy, Read On-Air, Values
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