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Letters From Listeners

The Chore Jar

Dear Dr. Laura,

I've homeschooled my 2 daughters for the past 5 years. I used to get frustrated and yell. It's sad to admit but it's the truth. When I would ask them to do something, they would respond by ignoring my request or simply procrastinate so long that I'd go crazy.

Now I have "The Chore Jar." I've written household chores that I hate to do on slips of paper (cleaning baseboards, dust, cleaning the toilet) and placed them in the jar.

Now, when the kids refuse to do as I ask, I simply have them reach into the jar and grab a chore. Now, I'm almost happy to have them refuse or argue because I get a clean house! This has really defused things in our home.


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Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Parenting, Stress, Tips
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