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Letters From Listeners

Timing IS Everything!

First off let me say I have always seemed to listen to you at the wrong times in my life. I listened 20 years ago and then for some reason I stopped. If I had been listening 17 years ago I would possibly not have married the woman I married, I chose wrong.

Then I started listening again for a few years, and then stopped again. If I had been listening 8 years ago, I would possibly not have gotten divorced, I would have fought for my marriage.

Fast forward 8 years and I am finally listening at the right time in my life. I am my kids' dad, I live a mile away from them and spend as much time as possible with them. I have put my personal life on hold until they are out of school, I did not feel it would be fair to them to involve them in another family and the headaches that come with trying to blend 2 families. Their mother unfortunately has not had the same commitment to them. She has had a parade of men through the years that have come into their lives and then had to live through the fallout when these men leave.

Recently, it came to my attention their mother has had them spending the night at the home of the most recent man. Their mother and I have been able to be civil, but when it comes to me calling her on anything she can get very combative. Let me say that in our marriage she was very emasculating and definitely wanted to be the man of the family, and to my detriment, I let her. DR. LAURA TO THE RESCUE!! I put on my big boy undies, "Manned Up" and confronted her tonight about not "shacking up" while she had the kids. Of course she got defensive and started trying to justify it. I explained she had 2 choices. Stop "shacking up" and everything would be fine, or not stop, and I would go to court and ask a judge to put a stop to it. I am sure the battle has just started. I will keep listening for my daily dose of encouragement from you and continue to fight for my kids. I have every confidence that if I keep listening and I am lucky enough one day to find another love, it will be done the right way -- the Dr. Laura way.

Thanks again,


Tags: Dating, Divorce, Fatherhood, Marriage, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Protecting children
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