Welcome to Stay-At-Home on DrLaura.com
The most frequently asked question on my radio show is "How can I become a stay at home mom?" So, in response to everyone who wants to know the steps to take to stay home or for parents who need moral support, tips or advice, we are debuting a new section on my website, devoted to YOU and your needs. You'll find success stories from parents who are committed to staying at home and making it work-- they'll tell you in their own words how they did it.
You can also get ideas and information on how to make money at home to supplement the family income, as well as seminars, associations and more!
I promise you, you'll want to keep visiting my website for new tips and to read about people like Lisa Barnes, who started Baby Bee, Inc. Lisa found a way to stay at home and to help less fortunate children at the same time.
There are only two types of mothers. The ones who happily stay at home and the ones who wish they could.
Will Rogers once said, "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." I hope my website will be the vehicle to help you take charge of your life.
So if you stay at home or just dream about being home with your little bunchkins take a look at the entire Stay-At-Home section on my website.
-- Dr. Laura