 I am very happy to tell you about my hero, Anthony Orsini, the principal at Benjamin Franklin Middle School in Ridgewood, New Jersey.' He recently sent the following email to all parents of children attending his school:
Dear BF Community:When I arrived in Ridgewood, Facebook did not exist, YouTube did not exist, and MySpace was barely in existence.' Formspring (one of the newest Internet scourges, a site meant simply to post cruel things about people anonymously) wasn't even in someone's mind.
In 2010, social networking sites have now become commonplace, and technology use by students is beyond prevalent.
It is time for every single member of the BF community to take a stand!
There is absolutely no reason for any middle school student to be a part of a social networking site!
Let me repeat that - there is absolutely, positively no reason for any middle school student to be a part of a social networking site!' None.
5 of the last 8 parents who we have informed that their child was posting inappropriate things on Facebook said their child did not have an account.' Every single one of the students had an account.
3 students yesterday told a guidance counselor that their parents told them to close their accounts when the parents learned they had an account.' All three students told their parents it was closed.' All three students still had an account after telling their parents it was closed.
Most students are part of more than one social networking site.
Please do the following:' sit down with your child (and they are just children still) and tell them that they are not allowed to be a member of any social networking site.' Today!
Let them know that you will at some point every week be checking their text messages online!'' You have the ability to do this through your cell phone provider.
Let them know that you will be installing Parental Control software so you can tell every place they have visited online, and everything they have instant messaged or written to a friend.' Don't install it behind their back, but install it!
Over 90% of homework does not require the Internet, or even a computer.' Do not allow them to have a computer in their room.' There is no need.
Know that they can text others even if their phone doesn't have texting capability, either through the computer or through their iPod Touch.
Have a central "docking system," preferably in your bedroom, where all electronics in the home get charged each night, especially anything with a cell or with wi-fi capability (remember when you were in high school and you would sneak the phone into your bedroom at Midnight to talk to your girlfriend or boyfriend all night - now imagine what they can do with the technology in their rooms).
If your son or daughter is attacked through one of these sites or through texting, immediately go to the police!' Insist that they investigate every situation.' Also, contact the site and report the attack to the site - they have an obligation to suspend accounts, or they are liable for what is written.
We as a school can offer guidance and try to build up any student who has been injured by the social networking scourge, but please insist the authorities get involved.
For online gaming, do not allow them to have the interactive communication devices.' If they want to play Call of Duty online with someone from Seattle, fine.' They don't need to talk to the person.
The threat to your son or daughter from online adult predators is insignificant compared to the damage that children at this age constantly and repeatedly do to one another through social networking sites or through text and picture messaging.
It is not hyperbole for me to write that the pain caused by social networking sites is beyond significant.' It is psychologically detrimental and we will find out it will have significant long-term effects, as well as all the horrible social effects it already creates.
I will be more than happy to take the blame off you as a parent if it is too difficult to have the students close their accounts, but it is time they all get closed and the texts always get checked.
I want to be clear - this email is not anti-technology, and we will continue to teach responsible technology practices to students.' They are simply not psychologically ready for the damage that one mean person online can cause, and I don't want any of our students to go through the unnecessary pain that too many of them have already experienced.
Some people advocate that the parents and the school should teach responsible social networking to students because these sites are part of the world in which we live.
I disagree.' It is not worth the risk to your child to allow them the independence at this age to manage these sites on their own, not because they are not good kids or responsible, but because you cannot control the poor actions of anonymous others.
Learn as a family about cyber safety together at
for your own knowledge.' It is a great site.' But then do everything I asked in this email - because there really is no reason a child needs to have one of these accounts.
Please take action in your own home today.
Anthony OrsiniPrincipal, BFMS
Now Principal Orsini is MY kind of principal, and my kind of leader in the community.' This should go nationwide.'The sites have become a tool for children to do psychological harm to each other; it has become a menace to children.' Much of what guidance counselors have to deal with these days regards social networking issues.' It is time for you parents to ACT.
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Tags: Education, Family/Relationships - Children, Internet-Media, Internet/Media, MySpace, Parenting, School, Social Networking, Twitter
 It appears that McDonald's "Happy Meal" toys and other promotions that come with high-calorie children's meals will soon be banned in parts of California, unless the restaurants in question meet certain nutritional guidelines.In favor of such a ban are public health administrators, parents, and physicians.Opposed to such a ban are fast-food franchisees, other parents, and fans of fast-food toys, who say the promotions are often used to provide Christmas presents for poor children.Physicians point out that the toys are a powerful lure for children, encouraging them to eat unhealthy food, which then helps cause obesity.' Many parents buy the unhealthy food for their children specifically because toys come with the meal!Here's my take on this problem:
again, parents are not parenting
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Tags: Eat Less-Move More, Family/Relationships - Children, Health, Mother's Day, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Nutrition, Obesity, Parenting
 What's the problem with kids today?' The answer to that is easy:' THEIR PARENTS!According to the
Fresno Bee
, five high school seniors cut down two trees on their campus as a "senior prank."' School officials expelled the students and transferred them to a continuation school to finish out their senior year.The students (all seniors and football players) cut down two Southern Live Oak trees, with ten-inch trunks.' The trees were about 14 years old and nearly 20 feet high.' The damage was estimated to be between $7,500 and $14,000.' The boys said this was a prank meant to deprive junior classmates of shade.Stupid, stupid, stupid.....but they are all "jock heroes," probably way too used to inflated estimations of their own value and power.The school did exactly the right thing.The parents did exactly the
thing.' They said that the school "overreacted," and they got attorneys involved to get their kids back in the school.' The school is standing firm.' Good for them.
"To hire attorneys,"
as one of my listeners wrote to me,
"teaches these kids that they can get away with 'pranks' and that they do not have to respect the law or be accountable for such behavior to school officials.' It will be interesting to see how these youngsters turn out as they mature.' Will they be good citizens?' Will they raise their children similarly to how they were raised?' Will their views change on how their own parents handled this life lesson?' It remains to be seen.' I do hope our community doesn't read about them again later on down the line after they've robbed a store or beaten someone up and again hired an attorney to defend their actions."
That point, in particular, is why (when people call and tell me that they have "x" number of "beautiful" children) I tell them I don't care if they have pretty or ugly kids.' I only care that they have
kids, because the well being of all of us depends on that.
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Tags: Bullying, Education, Family/Relationships - Children, Family/Relationships - Teens, Parenting, Personal Responsibility, School, Teens
 Last week, I blogged bout how horrendous it is that child molesters are treated leniently by judges and by parole boards.' Many of you wonder why that is.' I don't wonder - it's because the liberal world view of those in those positions of power concludes that such perpetrators are ultimately not responsible for their behavior, because they have a
.' Those with a disease are, of course, offered compassion.' Since they conclude that this can't be a choice or an impulse not resisted or pure evil, then it must be a disease.' Therefore, they believe that incarceration is useless and cruel and the
way to protect us is to put them in therapy (another liberal enclave).The Catholic Church never turned its child molesters over to the police.' They put them in spiritual rehab again and again and again.' It's the same mentality:' these people are not evil; they are not criminals.' They are sick and need comfort and direction.And what about the children who were raped, beaten and murdered?' Well, they say, the best way to insure that no more children are hurt is
rehab therapy and spiritual guidance
.That is all complete BS.' These people are evil.'There is an organization called NAMBLA - the North American Man/Boy Love Association - and they march in parades and have websites and meetings geared to promoting the "healthy reality" that kids are sexual and have a right to their sexuality, and the only reason it has been criminalized is that society is uptight.Molesters in various forms are quite open, as their world view is that they are healthy and we are not.Since it is not politically correct to judge any more, many folks in our society (and in positions of power) include child/adult sex as a normal variant of human sexuality (as they do sex with animals and consenting sex with extreme violence and/or near-death experiences).As we keep dumbing down our notions of right and wrong, you will see more and more of this stuff normalized in our society.Pretty soon we'll hear Nero on his violin.
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Tags: Bullying, Children, Family/Relationships - Children, Morals, Ethics, Values, Parenting, Social Issues
 People in San Diego are understandably enraged and confused:' a convicted sex offender (who, in the past, had beaten and raped young girls and got only five years in prison) was let out on parole...to rape and kill a young woman
.In another part of the country, Gary Becker, the fifty two year old former mayor of Racine, Wisconsin had faced up to more than twenty seven years in prison after pleading guilty to child enticement and attempted sexual assault of a child.' What did he get?' His sentence was three years in prison.The judge in the case, Stephen Simanek, said (brace yourself) that he had been prepared to sentence Becker to probation - PROBATION!! - but was alarmed to discover that Becker had purchased girls' underwear two weeks prior to sentencing.'So, instead of probation or 27 years, he got 3 years (with the potential to get out in 1 1/2 years for good behavior - probably because there are no girls to rape in prison).'In my opinion, any judge who gives less than the permitted maximum should lose the bench.In my opinion, any Board of Parole that lets a convicted sex offender out before their maximum time is served should lose their position.It's a rare thing - in fact, I have NEVER read of a case of rape/molestation/murder of a child done by someone who had no previous record, so letting them out under any circumstances automatically condemns one or more children to rape and/or death.' Great comment for a civilization to make, right?
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Tags: Children, Family/Relationships - Children, Morals, Ethics, Values, Parenting, Social Issues, Values
 This is from Barry:
Dear Dr. Laura:
I was a participant in an unwanted, unnecessary divorce...because my wife wasn't 'happy.'' I have 3 minor children who, despite my tremendous efforts to the contrary...only get to see me 7-10 days a month.' I do everything I can to remain in their lives so I might display to them the importance and value of good character, good values/morals, and integrity....
For Valentine's Day, I wrote my 5 year old daughter a poem.' I'm not a poet by any means.' I'm your basic manly man.' These words simply came to me in the half-hour it took to write them down.' In it are references to many things we do as a
....I thought you might like to read it:
A Poem for Claire
A poem for Claire is what I will try.'I hope it turns out - ya see, I'm only a guy.'There are jobs that I have-'One is being your Dad.'Out of all of the jobs'That one makes me most glad.
We do things we like'And some we don't mind.'I'm pleased that you're nice'And so warm and so kind.
I tell you I'm serious'But you know that I'm not'We're both
silly'And we smile a LOT!
We sit out in back'And look at the clouds'You see shapes I don't see'You make me so proud.
Walking to school'Is always so fun.'It's been so cold lately'We can't wait for the sun!
You fiddle with your homework.'Maybe a snack instead?'But each night we read'Just before time for bed.
I love when we play'You're so very special'We dance and we laugh'Now it's time to WRESTLE!
We cuddle on the sofa'Watch TV at night.'But we don't watch a show'That might give you a fright.
We make up games to play'Sometimes go for a hike.'But what you like most'Is riding your bike!
You play Dan-Ball and Rock Band'And sometimes the Wii.'"Daddy, come look!'Come here! Come see!"
I'm busy in the kitchen'Moving fast there to here.'You're the first and the loudest'During our dinnertime cheer.
I miss you dearly'When we're far apart,'But I'll always remind you'I'm in your head and your heart.
The message is clear'In this poem you hear.'Your Dad loves you greatly'And I will always be near.
I want you to know'You're my best Valentine.'I will ALWAYS be yours'If you will be mine.
I love you.'Dad
You've made me a better man, Dr. Laura.' I thank you.
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Tags: Family/Relationships - Children, Morals, Ethics, Values, Parenting, Values
 Remember Columbine?' Two Nazi-loving narcissistic sociopaths murdered teachers and students in their school because it would put them in the spotlight of history.....forever.No one stepped forward to stop them.The police stayed outside the building.Horrendous mishandling caused many innocent lives to be lost.Fast forward 11 years.Another wacked-out gunman with a bolt-action hunting rifle came onto a Colorado middle school parking lot and starting shooting at students.' He had just wounded two students and seemed ready to massacre more when a tall, skinny teacher (6'5" former college basketball player who oversees the school's track team) decided that this massacre just wasn't going to happen.' He saw the bad guy who was about to reload the chamber and decided that was THE moment.' He ran and tackled the shooter, wrapped his arms and legs around him like a strait jacket from head to toe, and held him for police.' Another teacher came to help keep the creep on the ground.'The two wounded students were hospitalized; one was released and the other was listed in critical condition.The teacher's name?' DAVID BENKE.By the way, the system allowed the gunman to be walking among us.' The bad guy, Bruco Eastwood, has an arrest record in Colorado dating back to 1996 for menacing, assault, domestic violence and driving under the influence.' That's some arrest record - the newspaper account I read did not mention prison time where children would be safe from him.When interviewed, the father of the creep said:
"There's nothing you can say about it.' What can you say?' Pretty dumb thing to do.' I feel bad for the people involved."
Dumb??' When you're talking about attempting to murder children?As for Benke, he still wishes he could have done more:
"It bugs me that he got another round off"
before being taken down.I am all for a trained and armed faculty member or security person on the grounds of every school in America.' Self-defense is a primary right of every living creature.My respect goes to Mr. Benke.' I admire guts, grit, and the compassion to risk to protect the lives of others, especially children.The community should set up a trust account for him so that when he retires, he will be taken care of for the rest of his life.' That's a small thing for saving the lives of so many children, don't you think?
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Tags: Abuse, Education, Family/Relationships - Children, Parenting, School, Violence
 In Port St. Lucie, Florida recently, a six year old was handcuffed (actually, one handcuff was put over both hands - she was a little girl), and hauled off to a mental facility.' The parents were all hysterical and angry that their "little baby" was treated this way.The mother, who works in day care, said
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with my child."
Her father said that what happened to his daughter was
"just wrong."
The school contacted this little girl's parents several times about setting up a meeting to discuss her violent behavior in the classroom, but they never showed up.' Hmmmm.'Here's what happened on that particular day:'The kid had yet another tantrum in the classroom after the teacher simply asked her to do something, and the girl was taken to the principal's office.' The principal, 8 months pregnant, endured the kid yelling, throwing things, kicking the wall, throwing a calculator, electric pencil sharpener, telephone, container of writing utensils and everything else on the desk.' The kid then physically attacked the pregnant principal, who called the police.'In my opinion, the police and the principal did exactly the right thing.' Leave it up to the medical authorities to determine whether this girl is being extremely poorly parented or in need of mental health treatment.'There are those who cry over how little this girl is and wring their hands and say that there must have been some other way.' No, there wasn't.' The parents did not take responsibility, and their shame was delivered as arrogance as they sought sympathy (and probably a lawsuit).'The school is supposed to be a safe place.' This girl was, and is, a threat to other students, the faculty, and herself.' I stand behind the school, the teacher, and the principal.' I wish we could arrest the parents for negligence in letting their daughter's behavior get this far.
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Tags: Abuse, cancer, Education, Family/Relationships - Children, Health, Parenting, School, Violence