Last week, I blogged bout how horrendous it is that child molesters are treated leniently by judges and by parole boards. Many of you wonder why that is. I don't wonder - it's because the liberal world view of those in those positions of power concludes that such perpetrators are ultimately not responsible for their behavior, because they have a
. Those with a disease are, of course, offered compassion. Since they conclude that this can't be a choice or an impulse not resisted or pure evil, then it must be a disease. Therefore, they believe that incarceration is useless and cruel and the
way to protect us is to put them in therapy (another liberal enclave).The Catholic Church never turned its child molesters over to the police. They put them in spiritual rehab again and again and again. It's the same mentality: these people are not evil; they are not criminals. They are sick and need comfort and direction.And what about the children who were raped, beaten and murdered? Well, they say, the best way to insure that no more children are hurt is
rehab therapy and spiritual guidance
.That is all complete BS. These people are evil. There is an organization called NAMBLA - the North American Man/Boy Love Association - and they march in parades and have websites and meetings geared to promoting the "healthy reality" that kids are sexual and have a right to their sexuality, and the only reason it has been criminalized is that society is uptight.Molesters in various forms are quite open, as their world view is that they are healthy and we are not.Since it is not politically correct to judge any more, many folks in our society (and in positions of power) include child/adult sex as a normal variant of human sexuality (as they do sex with animals and consenting sex with extreme violence and/or near-death experiences).As we keep dumbing down our notions of right and wrong, you will see more and more of this stuff normalized in our society.Pretty soon we'll hear Nero on his violin.