 I'm a first time mom. Before becoming a mom I went to school for 8 years and have a master's degree. I worked for 8 years in my profession before having my baby. My husband and I have been very smart with our money and the only debt we have is our mortgage.
We decided when our daughter was born I would stay at home with her. I can't say I don't miss work, because I do at times, but I would never trade the days I have with my daughter for a job.
My sister-in-law has two daughters 3 and under. She shuttles them off to a home day care every day. She told my husband she didn't want to be a stay at home mom because she wants to use her brain every day.
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Tags: Motherhood, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Parenting, Read On-Air, SAHM stay at home mom, Social Issues, Values
 I listen to your show frequently. I have been a listener since I was 12 years old and now I'm almost 23 and my husband and I are our expecting our first child. I was raised with a stay at home mom, my husband was as well. We were both extremely lucky. If we ever needed Mom we new right were she would be. If we were sick, she was there to take care of us, not running off to work having to take care of us over the phone.
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Tags: Forgiveness, Morals, Ethics, Values, Parenting, Read On-Air, Values
 Today when you came on the radio, my 2 ' year old yelled, "Mommy, it's Dr. Laura!" As I stared at him in disbelief (that he knew that from your voice), I also began to reflect on what you've done for me and my family and became so sad you are going off the air.
(Aside: Dr. Laura is just going off broadcast radio, she'll continue to nag you in other ways.)
You have become so much a part of my life, and we have never met! I just really, really hope you know how much good you have done for so many of us out there in radio land who may not get a chance to tell you.
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Tags: Marriage, Motherhood, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Parenting, Read On-Air, Regarding Dr. Laura, SAHM stay at home mom
 I would like to tell you about my friend Dennis. He, myself and another friend, Tim, were camped out in the mountains hunting deer. Tim's 9 year old daughter, Katie, wanted to spend her birthday with us so her grandfather brought her up. When Katie poked her head inside the trailer where we were eating, Dennis' face lit up and almost sing-songy he said, "Katie! We've been waiting for you! Come here, let me give the birthday girl a hug!" I could see by the look on his face that Dennis was genuinely happy to see Katie. He made that little girl's day and she was happy too.
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Tags: Attitude, Family/Relationships - Children, new attitude, Parenting, Read On-Air
 ...I have a few girlfriends who are thirty-something and they dread their birthdays because they feel their best days are behind them (even the ones married with children). I think this is so sad because at this point, a thirty-something woman should just have begun her journey as a successful, mature woman with her best days ahead.
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Tags: Friendships, Marriage, Morals, Ethics, Values, Motherhood, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Read On-Air, Relationships, Social Issues
 I listen to your program everyday and have never felt the need to do anything but say. "Go Dr. Laura!" But this call shocked me. A woman called in about a little girl who was socially awkward and she didn't have her little girl go the birthday party because she had two piano lessons, which seems like a pretty bad excuse.
I have a son who collected people as he grew up, he is now 23 years old and is a traveling musician, out on the road pursuing his passion.
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Tags: Character, Courage, Conscience, Character-Courage-Conscience, Day Care, daycare, Family/Relationships - Children, Parenting, Response To A Call, Values
 I am an avid listener of yours. I have been listening for about 8 years now. I am 21 years old and in my senior year in college. Since I graduated from high school I have always known I wanted to be my kid's mom and my husband's girlfriend one day.
The other day, Facebook led to a very interesting situation for me. My friend and ex-dance teacher from high school had written a "status update" explaining how hard it was to leave her babies on Monday morning to go back to work and asked if having a house was really worth missing her two little boys.
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Tags: Children, Day Care, In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms, Morals, Ethics, Values, Motherhood, Motherhood-Fatherhood, nanny, Parenting, SAHM stay-at-home mom, Social Issues, Values
 I want to bring to your attention a terrible event that happened in the Cincinnati area a few weeks ago and is still in the courts. In Finneytown, a church day care employed two individuals who were convicted of drugging kids so they would sleep and lessen their responsibilities, one child as young as 3 months.
I am a bi-vocational pastor, who grew up in a single parent home and my life was Hell on earth for many years as I did not get the things I needed most as a child: loving parents and a strong father figure.
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Tags: divorce, Morals, Ethics, Values, Parenting, Religion, Social Issues, Values