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August 12, 2011 - Hour 1
Hour 1: Music, The Healer. No matter what the circumstance or trying situation, a carefully selected musical experience has the power to heal wounds with which no medicine can compete
August 12, 2011 - Hour 2
Hour 2: Go to to answer the question of the day / Beth recently lost her brother, unexpectedly to a heart attack. Now she is dealing with emotions of doubt and confusion over whether she could have helped him.
August 12, 2011 - Hour 3
Hour 3: Renee's wedding has a guest limit of 200 people, which is not nearly enough to accommodate her side of the family / Matthew had a unplanned child with a woman he married, then divorced and with whom he is now fighting for full custody
August 11, 2011 - Hour 1
Hour 1: Should "student-athletes" be held to the same academic standards as regular students? / Betsy is trying to recover from the tragic loss of her brother
August 11, 2011 - Hour 2
Hour 2: Go to to answer the question of the day / Katie spends money on lots of little things she doesn't need. She knows she doesn't need them but she can't stop spending.
August 11, 2011 - Hour 3
Hour 3: Melanie's husband belittles her by talking down and saying nasty things / George's family is entangled in a web of deceit, mistrust, and substance abuse
August 10, 2011 - Hour 2
Hour 2: Today in the history of so-called news / Jim is back in contact with his son, but their relationship is more about money than love
August 10, 2011 - Hour 3
Hour 3: Amy fears pregnancy will deliver the loss of her sexiness / Ken, a celibate gay man, would like to marry his female friend in order to preserve their friendship
August 10, 2011 - Hour 1
Hour 1: How important is the time a father spends with his children? / Karen is making a tremendous effort to keep a friend who needn't be kept
August 9, 2011 - Hour 1
Hour 1: Signs that a change in behavior may be linked to prescription medicine / Lisa's husband relapsed into a heavy drug abuse after the birth of their children.