As long as you keep sending me stories like these, I'll continue to post them on this blog. Today's email came from Lori:
This is long overdue. I started listening to your program 20 years ago, when I was in my twenties, newly married, and focused on my career. I was in the middle of a graduate program that I had worked very hard to get into, when I got pregnant with my son. I always thought your ideas that a parent should stay home with their child were ridiculous - I thought it was a crazy, backward notion. That is what day care was for!!
Then I had my son.
He was six weeks old when I left him with a day care provider to continue my graduate program. That was also the
time he was with a day care provider. I physically and mentally could not stand to think that someone else was spending the day and providing for my son - something I should be doing and wanted to do. After all, who could do it better? My husband felt the same, so I quit graduate school and all my career plans went out the door so I could stay with my son full time. While at first it wasn't easy, I can say without a doubt what a great decision that was!
When my son and I went to the park or took a walk, I arranged it so I could listen to your radio program at the same time. While I was sure about my decision, I had VERY LITTLE support from many others. I got many comments or "put-downs" about what a waste of my life this was. I felt like you were one of the few who supported me. You were my advocate, and when I would feel especially down and question my decision, I would listen to you and it would lift me up, and I knew I was right.
So, a belated thank you for what you gave me, my wonderfully supportive husband, and my son - who is now a smart, kind, funny, well-adjusted 16 year old. Keep speaking up for us stay-at-home moms. I can look back at that time of my life and say I absolutely have no regrets.