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Email of the Day

My Amazing REAL Man

Hello Dr. Laura,

I listen to you mainly by podcast, so I am behind regarding a chosen topic, but when I heard you talk about Real Men I had to write in.

You talked about the qualities of a Real Man, and as I listened I was not surprised to note my husband possesses every one of those qualities. I was only 20 when I picked him, but contrary to statistics, mine was a wise choice, and I knew it even then. My dad is also a Real Man, so I know he was a great role model for me.

My husband consistently puts my needs and the needs of our four children ahead of his own. He takes pride in providing for and protecting our family. He has integrity, strength, and an abiding love for me and our family. We have three daughters and a son, and I am confident they will choose well, like I did. I let him know daily how much he means to me. His happiness is imperative to mine. He deserves a good wife, and I am committed to being his one and only. We will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary this summer. I am indeed a lucky woman. Thanks for letting me brag on my man.


Tags: Marriage, Raising Boys to Men, Read On-Air, Real men
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