A few months ago, I saw the movie
"The Bucket List."
It's about these two older guys who, presumably, are terminally ill, and one of them mentions a "kick the bucket list," meaning that you make a list of all the things you want to do before you die (and then, hopefully, go do them). The movie is interesting and well done, and well worth seeing. It stars Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson.Since then, I've had some thoughts on and off about the concept, and decided that I don't want to have a bucket list when my time comes close. I want to do and see and say and experience the things that matter to me waaaaay before they become an almost-Last Supper moment. So I've been going over in my mind what it is that I would put on that list. And I'm happy to say......nothing.I wanted an adventure on the high seas, so with a crew of experienced sailors, I'm going to be doing just that in mid-March, when we race from Los Angeles to Cabo San Lucas in Mexico. It will take about four days or so, and we have to work, sleep, and eat in shifts 24 hours per day of sailing. It will be grueling, cold, and sometimes scary at night if the winds are up. The food will be "ucky," and there won't be hot showers or heated blankets. And yet, I can't wait, because it's an ADVENTURE! It pushes my limits and challenges me in new ways. It's good to have adventures, as long as you don't ignore your responsibilities, and enjoy the challenges that are there.Day-to-day experiences and routines can get monotonous - that's just life. So don't wait. Come up with your own adventure (camping with the family, training for some physical event or whatever you want) and just do it!!