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Morals, Ethics, Values
IconI was driving my son in the car today going to ToysRus for birthday gifts and we were having a talk. My son (9 years old) started telling me Daddy and I have a great relationship. More >>

Tags: divorceFamily/Relationships - ChildrenMarriageMorals, Ethics, ValuesParentingRead On-AirValues
Icon"I own a commercial nursery with about 30 seasonal employees. My kids also work for me. One morning, my daughter tacked a hand-made poster with a Bible verse on my door. It referred to flowers and nature. My door faces into the break room." More >>

Tags: BudgetCliff EnnicoJobMorals, Ethics, ValuesReligionSocial IssuesStay-at-Home MomWork from HomeWorkplace
IconI have 1 boy and 4 girls and I wanted to tell you about our family's experience when my daughters started dating. More >>

Tags: BehaviorDatinghumorMen's Point of ViewMorals, Ethics, ValuesParentingRead On-AirRelationshipsrespect
IconSome callers to my radio program are amazed when I explain that their situation is entirely of their own making, and don't allow them to complain about someone else as the architect of their situation.Sadly, a typical scenario goes like this:' a young woman caller with one or two illegitimate children is shacking up for years and years with a guy who is now out on the dating scene.' (Well, why shouldn't he date?' He's a single man with a consort!).' When the young woman protests that they have a "commitment," I ask "What is the commitment?' Where is it?" There is no commitment involved in unmarried sex or procreation or cohabitation. It's all "free-flowing," which is exactly what both paid for when they signed up to not sign up for any obligation past the feeling of the moment .The truth about females is that we lie to ourselves when we say we can just "hang out" or have "hook-up level" sex and make babies with someone who says "I love you," but ultimately doesn't walk the talk.'We want to nest, settle down, and have someone love us and protect us and provide for us, but we behave in ways that demonstrate massive denial, insecurity, and a kind of pathetic desperation or downright foolishness.None of this makes a woman feel special, put on a pedestal, valued or really loved.' And none of this protects the needs of children.' More and more women of late are intentionally having babies without marriage because, in my opinion, they are not competent to provide love and affection and attention to anything outside themselves, and the feminista women around them applaud the "no men" clause.' This is atrocious, as it undermines society and puts children in the position of no daddy .'None of you should show any support for any woman who makes this choice.' No support.....and lots of negative judgment.' Please. More >>

Tags: CommitmentFamily/Relationships - ChildrenMarriageMorals, Ethics, ValuesParentingPersonal ResponsibilityShacking UpShacking-Up
Tags: AttitudeCommitmentHobbiesMarriageMorals, Ethics, ValuesMotivationPersonal ResponsibilitySailing
Tags: AttitudeBehaviorCharacter, Courage, ConscienceCharacter-Courage-ConscienceMorals, Ethics, ValuesMotivationValues
IconLast week, I blogged bout how horrendous it is that child molesters are treated leniently by judges and by parole boards.' Many of you wonder why that is.' I don't wonder - it's because the liberal world view of those in those positions of power concludes that such perpetrators are ultimately not responsible for their behavior, because they have a disease .' Those with a disease are, of course, offered compassion.' Since they conclude that this can't be a choice or an impulse not resisted or pure evil, then it must be a disease.' Therefore, they believe that incarceration is useless and cruel and the real way to protect us is to put them in therapy (another liberal enclave).The Catholic Church never turned its child molesters over to the police.' They put them in spiritual rehab again and again and again.' It's the same mentality:' these people are not evil; they are not criminals.' They are sick and need comfort and direction.And what about the children who were raped, beaten and murdered?' Well, they say, the best way to insure that no more children are hurt is rehab therapy and spiritual guidance .That is all complete BS.' These people are evil.'There is an organization called NAMBLA - the North American Man/Boy Love Association - and they march in parades and have websites and meetings geared to promoting the "healthy reality" that kids are sexual and have a right to their sexuality, and the only reason it has been criminalized is that society is uptight.Molesters in various forms are quite open, as their world view is that they are healthy and we are not.Since it is not politically correct to judge any more, many folks in our society (and in positions of power) include child/adult sex as a normal variant of human sexuality (as they do sex with animals and consenting sex with extreme violence and/or near-death experiences).As we keep dumbing down our notions of right and wrong, you will see more and more of this stuff normalized in our society.Pretty soon we'll hear Nero on his violin. More >>

Tags: BullyingChildrenFamily/Relationships - ChildrenMorals, Ethics, ValuesParentingSocial Issues
IconPeople in San Diego are understandably enraged and confused:' a convicted sex offender (who, in the past, had beaten and raped young girls and got only five years in prison) was let out on rape and kill a young woman again .In another part of the country, Gary Becker, the fifty two year old former mayor of Racine, Wisconsin had faced up to more than twenty seven years in prison after pleading guilty to child enticement and attempted sexual assault of a child.' What did he get?' His sentence was three years in prison.The judge in the case, Stephen Simanek, said (brace yourself) that he had been prepared to sentence Becker to probation - PROBATION!! - but was alarmed to discover that Becker had purchased girls' underwear two weeks prior to sentencing.'So, instead of probation or 27 years, he got 3 years (with the potential to get out in 1 1/2 years for good behavior - probably because there are no girls to rape in prison).'In my opinion, any judge who gives less than the permitted maximum should lose the bench.In my opinion, any Board of Parole that lets a convicted sex offender out before their maximum time is served should lose their position.It's a rare thing - in fact, I have NEVER read of a case of rape/molestation/murder of a child done by someone who had no previous record, so letting them out under any circumstances automatically condemns one or more children to rape and/or death.' Great comment for a civilization to make, right? More >>

Tags: ChildrenFamily/Relationships - ChildrenMorals, Ethics, ValuesParentingSocial IssuesValues
IconMore than 80 million Americans are pet owners, and spend nearly 25 billion dollars on veterinary care.' Why do we do that?'Originally, animals served a largely utilitarian purpose:' horses pulled carts, dogs protected the farms, and cats ate rodents.' This dependency on animals to help us in our daily lives evolved into warm, close bonded relationships with them - and that's a good thing, but only up to a point.'Taking on the responsibility of caring for an animal is a sacrifice, and requires an unselfish commitment that elevates human character.' Making sure that your pets have food before you do, and providing a safe haven for them is an expression of compassion.' Enjoying the enthusiasm of your dog or cat when you appear on the scene, having your blood pressure drop when you pet them - those are the perks of having a pet around.'However, if you are infinitely more comfortable with animals than humans, the scales have tipped way too far in the wrong direction.' Human communication is largely verbal, and give-and-take is an essential part of human bonding (along with trust).' When an individual is fearful or hostile about human connection, it's nice if they have a pet (a warm mammal) to hold close, but it's not a substitute for a human relationship.''I get way too many calls from, for example, people like the woman who keeps a dangerous dog in the home (with little kids), because her husband chooses to keep the dog in spite of the threat to his own children; or the man who calls and complains that he has a ferocious allergy to cats, but his fianc'e will not adopt her cat out to let him move in after the wedding!' If this sounds like you or someone you know, it's time to revisit the situations, because choices like these are, obviously, the wrong choices. More >>

Tags: AttitudeMorals, Ethics, ValuesSocial IssuesValues
IconNaomi Campbell is at it again.' She allegedly (that's for legal purposes) bopped her driver hard on the back of his head, which thrust his face into the steering wheel.' He called the police; she ran away.' No charges were filed... again! She's been accused of violent outbursts since the Nineties - money is paid/so-called anger management is had/community service is requested - but because she's a "supermodel," the money/hype/power behind that has kept her from the appearance she should be making:' in JAIL, JAIL, JAIL.' Ultimately, there have been no consequences that make a difference to her, and her sense of entitlement has grown to huge proportions.Some background on her I found on the Internet:' her father abandoned her and her mother at birth; her mother abandoned Naomi for a show biz career - Naomi was even involved in show business herself at a very tender age.' I can't be sure without knowing her up close and personal, or from psychiatric work-ups in the anger management sessions she supposedly had, but she sounds very much like she has borderline personality disorder .' That does not mean she is insane.' She's perfectly competent and aware of her actions and knows right from wrong.Personality disorders are consistent patterns of behavior that negatively impact relationships and work.' People with borderline personality disorder are impulsive, unstable in their moods, and have chaotic relationships (where they go back and forth from "love" to "hate," depending upon whether or not they are getting their way).' They tend to see things in extremes:' all good or all bad.' They also typically view themselves as victims of circumstance, and take little responsibility for themselves or their problems (which is why they generally don't improve).Their histories show abandonment in childhood, a disruptive family life, poor communication in the family, and sexual abuse.' Consequently, they experience feelings of emptiness and boredom, and displays of inappropriate anger, impulsiveness with money, substance abuse, sexual relationships, binge eating, shoplifting, and more.They don't tolerate being alone, which brings me back to a reported quote by Ms. Campbell published in 2006 in the UK's The Independent: "Anger is a manifestation of a deeper issue, and that, for me, is based on insecurity, self-esteem and loneliness." It's sad, but the reality is that if there had been serious consequences for her behavior (rather than her being allowed to dodge prison time), then she might be more careful with the well-being of others. More >>

Tags: AbuseMorals, Ethics, ValuesValuesViolence