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August 4, 2014 - Hour 1
Why We Marry the Wrong People / Gladys's husband is sleeping with a woman who used to be their friend and neighbor.
August 4, 2014 - Hour 2
Most of Sophia's relationship woes began when she moved in with a man before she married him.
August 4, 2014 - Hour 3
Drinking since she was 18, Stephanie realizes, finally, that she needs help.
August 1, 2014 - Hour 3
*Note: Even though Efim says "Hour 2" at the beginning, this is indeed Hour 3 of today's podcast. Sorry for the mix-up!
Even though some states are easing their restrictions on marijuana, Andy's son still has no right to smoke weed at home.
August 1, 2014 - Hour 1
When Your Spouse Turns You Down / Mary is testing her own moral boundaries of sex before marriage.
August 1, 2014 - Hour 2
A lifetime of nagging may not be enough to rid Tina's boyfriend of his bad habits.
July 31, 2014 - Hour 2
At 41, Joey feels an irresistible urge to get pregnant, despite the obvious risks of doing so at her age.
July 31, 2014 - Hour 3
Nicole is unintentionally enabling her son's addiction by pampering him as though he were still a child.
July 31, 2014 - Hour 1
Bad Habits That Drain Your Energy / For certain proof of an inappropriate relationship, Julie put a tape recorder in her husband's office. She didn't have to wait long for solid evidence.
July 30, 2014 - Hour 3
Dana's adopted son, a mentally-ill child, was informed recently that his biological father has died.
Dr Laura