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September 8, 2014 - Hour 3
Renee is concerned about the time her daughter spends with her biological dad. He signed away all parental rights, he still wants to be an influence on his daughter's life.
September 8, 2014 - Hour 2
Although Mike's son is a complete waste of space, Mike's grandson is in need of as much love as is possible for a family to provide.
September 8, 2014 - Hour 1
Best of The Dr. Laura Show / Raynette loaned a sum of money to her aunt, and still after months and months she waits for at least a gesture of repayment.
September 5, 2014 - Hour 2
Without telling him, Jonathan's wife opened a private credit card account and began to spend.
September 5, 2014 - Hour 3
Sharon and Dr. Laura debate the existence of love at first sight.
September 5, 2014 - Hour 1
Why Self-Discipline Outdoes IQ / Justine wonders if she's right to interfere in her daughter's financially lopsided love life.
September 4, 2014 - Hour 3
The accident which took her cousins is still a vivid picture in Jenny's mind, and a recurring act on the stage of her dreams.
September 4, 2014 - Hour 2
Dawn is prepared to do everything in her power to launch her daughter's Broadway career.
September 4, 2014 - Hour 1
How to Put Your Past Behind You / Lauren vows not to allow her father's mistakes to influence her own life decisions.
September 3, 2014 - Hour 3
Jim's wife was "angrier than a hornet" when she discovered that he was talking to a woman who claims to be Jim's long-lost daughter.
Dr Laura