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October 14, 2014 - Hour 2
Patti shows very little sympathy for her mother, who suffered a horrendous series of medical setbacks and now lives angrily in a nursing home.
October 14, 2014 - Hour 3
Mary wonders how it is possible to move on after the dissolution of her marriage.
October 14, 2014 - Hour 1
Adjusting Your Expectations / Amy is dating a man 20 years her senior, and although the relationship seems ok, Amy's parents are dead-set against it.
October 13, 2014 - Hour 3
Matt's grandfather helped raise him but now that Matt is an adult his grandfather is taking it too far and trying to control his life.
October 13, 2014 - Hour 2
Noel discovers that a sexually restrictive dating relationship is an endeavor too perplexing for her boyfriend to withstand.
October 13, 2014 - Hour 1
Learning to Say 'No' / Julie and her husband have a really wonderful marriage, the only problem is sometimes they just don't like each other very much.
October 10, 2014 - Hour 3
Alandra is 10 years old, and thinks it's highly inappropriate of her mother to deny her the basic right of owning a cell phone.
October 10, 2014 - Hour 1
Why Relationships Break Up / For answers to life's most difficult questions and an insight into her future, Rachel turns to the wisdom of psychics.
October 10, 2014 - Hour 2
After building their lives on the east coast, Gary's wife is unhappy and wants to move back west.
October 9, 2014 - Hour 3
Lou-Anne admits to driving her husband into the arms of another woman. Now that the affair is over, the mission is to keep her man happy.
Dr Laura