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Jul 6, 2020 - Hour 1
Best Of / Sabrina has breast cancer and worries about the impact on her teen daughter. What can she do to ensure her child is not overly affected while battling this disease?
Jul 6, 2020 - Hour 2
Best Of / Marissa has become a stay-at-home mom but feels she may not get the same praise she once did at work. How can Marissa navigate past this fear and be the best mom possible?
Jul 6, 2020 - Hour 3
Best Of / Kristine is torn about maintaining a relationship with her alcoholic mother-in-law. Would it be best to keep the peace for the sake of her husband or distance herself?
Jul 3, 2020 - Hour 1
Best Of / Kevin's 9-year-old son has been disrespectful when visiting. What can he do to teach his son respect when he's staying in his home?
Jul 3, 2020 - Hour 2
Best Of / Sabrina is throwing a baby shower for her daughter but tensions have been high amongst the invited. How can Sabrina ensure that her daughter's special day occurs without any drama?
Jul 3, 2020 - Hour 3
Best Of / Tina is invited to a party of whom a person she doesn't like is attending. Should Tina attend the party or avoid any unpleasantries that may occur?
Jul 2, 2020 - Hour 1
Kari and her husband have both been addicted to drugs but she's managed to get clean despite his being unable to. Should she stick with him in hopes that he checks into rehab or end the marriage?
Jul 2, 2020 - Hour 2
Megan's father has begun dating a younger woman since the death of her mom. Should Megan confront her father's behaviors or let it go?
Jul 2, 2020 - Hour 3
Will is concerned that his wife is letting herself go hunkered down at home. Should Will address her lackluster appearance or let her be?
Jul 1, 2020 - Hour 1
Karen is unhappy that family guests are dressing scantily clad when staying aboard their boat. How can Karen express that she would like to see more modest attire when they come on board?