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Jul 10, 2023 - Hour 1
John's daughter wants to have a special photo for her wedding, which doesn't include her step-mom.
Jul 10, 2023 - Hour 2
Danielle's found out her ex-husband is now dating her close friend!
Jul 10, 2023 - Hour 3
Lana feels she needs to move out of the home now, but her mother Candi thinks it's unwise for her to do in her senior year of college.
Jul 7, 2023 - Hour 1
Best Of / Carolyn wonders if there's a benefit to being a stay-at-home mom after her son goes to school.
Jul 7, 2023 - Hour 2
Best Of / Nora wants to get closer with her boyfriend of three years, despite his indifference toward making a permanent commitment.
Jul 7, 2023 - Hour 3
Best Of / After years of living with a chronic condition, Candice feels she isn't living her life to the fullest.
Jul 6, 2023 - Hour 1
Best Of / Brenda's learned her son's broken hand didn't happen because of a fall, but rather a fight at school.
Jul 6, 2023 - Hour 2
Best Of / Jade calls in to discuss her future plans of wanting to get a masters, but Mom isn't sure about it when considering the complications.
Jul 6, 2023 - Hour 3
Best Of / Alicia struggles with her husband's remarks about financial responsibility and money while she stays home with their 16-month-old.
Jul 5, 2023 - Hour 1
Best Of / 15-year-old Grace and her mom call in to discuss a guilt-tripping letter she received from her grandfather.