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Aug 14, 2023 - Hour 1
Chris and Alyssa call in to discuss the guilt they feel for protecting their younger children from their oldest son.
Aug 14, 2023 - Hour 2
Randy calls back to update Dr. Laura on his addict daughter and her path toward recovery.
Aug 14, 2023 - Hour 3
Kelly struggles to pick her battles when it comes to her own perfectionism and expectations of her kids.
Aug 11, 2023 - Hour 1
Best Of / Dawn seeks Dr. Laura's guidance on how she can best counsel her daughter who is thinking of pursuing the closed adoption route.
Aug 11, 2023 - Hour 2
Best Of / Mary follows up with Dr. Laura on her assignment after calling in the day before about a recent family blow-up she started.
Aug 11, 2023 - Hour 3
Best Of / Alex wants to stop letting her insecurities get in the way of experiencing intimacy with her husband, especially after becoming new parents.
Aug 10, 2023 - Hour 1
Diane feels betrayed by her son-in-law after finding out about his infidelity.
Aug 10, 2023 - Hour 2
Kate wonders whether she should further insert herself in the conflict between her mother and brother.
Aug 10, 2023 - Hour 3
Blaine doesn't know how to transition into co-parenting after a nasty divorce and bitter residual sentiments.
Aug 9, 2023 - Hour 1
Kelly wonders if she was right to not let her 13-year-old son go to the mall with his buddies.