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Nov 27, 2023 - Hour 1
Barbara struggles to accept that her son isn't the perfect child after catching him cheating on his wife.
Nov 27, 2023 - Hour 2
Jill wonders whether she should talk to her next-door neighbors about the way they mistreat their pets.
Nov 27, 2023 - Hour 3
Ever since she had a divorce, Jody notices her eldest son gets very anxious when she leaves the home.
Thanksgiving Weekend Marathon - 2023: Do The Right Thing
Life gets a lot simpler when you follow Dr. Laura's golden rule, and this first hour of our Thanksgiving Weekend Marathon is the RIGHT place to start! Join me now for our "Do the Right Thing" hour.
Thanksgiving Weekend Marathon - 2023: Pet Predicaments
Sometimes it feels like you can't live with them, but you definitely wouldn't want to be without them! Sit and stay because our "Pet Predicaments" hour is next.
Thanksgiving Weekend Marathon - 2023: All in the Family Dynamics
Family drama seems to kick up a notch during the holidays so, of course, we've dedicated a full hour to dealing with your loved ones on any occasion. "All In The Family Dynamics" is up next!
Thanksgiving Weekend Marathon - 2023: Sex and Intimacy
Sex and sensuality fuel happy marriages. Could your relationship use some sex therapy? Stay tuned for the "Sex & Intimacy" hour.
Thanksgiving Weekend Marathon - 2023: Dating Do's and Don'ts
I always tell listeners, "Choose wisely, pick kindly." We're focusing on the first part in this upcoming "Dating Do's and Don'ts" hour!
Thanksgiving Weekend Marathon - 2023: Couples Counseling
I'm always interested in helping couples discover how to be happier together. Don't let your relationship deteriorate unnecessarily. Join me for an hour of "Couples Counseling," starting now!
Thanksgiving Weekend Marathon - 2023: Stay-At-Home Moms
Anyone can replace you at work, but no one could ever replace you as a parent. I hope you'll take some time for yourself and your family and tune into the "Stay-at-Home Moms" hour, up next!