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Mar 12, 2024 - Hour 1
Ryan's sister-in-law is refusing to care for her own father, expecting Ryan to pick up the pieces.
Mar 12, 2024 - Hour 2
Dr. Laura poses the question to listeners, "Why do people ghost?"
Mar 12, 2024 - Hour 3
Should Julie allow her kids to meet the mother- and sister-in-law that threw a fit at her wedding years ago?
Mar 11, 2024 - Hour 1
Is it the right time for Beth to tell people about her Alzheimer's diagnosis?
Mar 11, 2024 - Hour 2
Emily wants to know how long should her alcoholic sister be sober before both of them reconnect.
Mar 11, 2024 - Hour 3
Brooke calls in with Mom to ask Dr. Laura how to cope with the passing of their family Border Collie.
Mar 8, 2024 - Hour 1
Best Of / Is it too late for Ebony to homeschool a middle schooler and high schooler?
Mar 8, 2024 - Hour 2
Best Of / Ever since David recovered from a near-death experience, he's struggled with the desire to change careers.
Mar 8, 2024 - Hour 3
Best Of / Maria thinks her daughter's friends are influencing her to stop musical theater.
Mar 8, 2024 - Hour 4
This special fourth hour is a replay of today's Dr. Laura LIVE show from this morning in SiriusXM Los Angeles Studios!