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August 26, 2024 - Hour 1
Curtis' friends think he's too picky when dating, but could his personal life be the culprit?
August 26, 2024 - Hour 2
Laurie's son got into a fight with the neighbor's son after being filmed without his consent.
August 26, 2024 - Hour 3
Charles is bracing himself for seeing his ex-wife at an upcoming birthday party and her attempts to get back on speaking terms.
August 23, 2024 - Hour 1
Best Of / Annette thinks her father isn't stepping up to the plate while her mother goes through stage four cancer.
August 23, 2024 - Hour 2
Best Of / Greg fears losing touch with his adult snowflake kids amid a long-await divorce.
August 23, 2024 - Hour 3
Best Of / Kelly struggles to communicate with her husband when they go through crises.
August 22, 2024 - Hour 1
Mary Beth can't help but feel nervous about her daughter's fiancé who was raised differently.
August 22, 2024 - Hour 2
Is it wrong for Brenda to date her ex-boyfriend's acquaintance?
August 22, 2024 - Hour 3
Dr. Laura asks listeners to call in with their answer to the question, "What's the stupidest thing you've done this week?"
August 21, 2024 - Hour 1
John gets a special assignment from Dr. Laura when asking her the question, "How do I find joy in life?"