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September 6, 2024 - Hour 1
Dr. Laura opens the floor to callers with the question, "Who would you want at your deathbed?"
September 6, 2024 - Hour 2
Dr. Laura continues fielding answers from callers to the question, "Who would you want at your deathbed?"
September 6, 2024 - Hour 3
Bridget would stay with her boyfriend "if he could just change," but realizes she's financially dependent on him.
September 5, 2024 - Hour 1
Jennifer admits she made all the wrong choices with love, but can't seem to understand why her boyfriend is so possessive.
September 5, 2024 - Hour 2
How should Nicole handle a friend's daughter who is being mean to her own child?
September 5, 2024 - Hour 3
Esther doesn't know how to handle her married cousin dropping two huge truth bombs: she's getting a divorce and she's got a new boyfriend!
September 4, 2024 - Hour 1
Fariba feels force to take in her mother-in-law after none of her husband's siblings wanted to.
September 4, 2024 - Hour 2
Was Liz right to give her husband an ultimatum to stop talking with a young woman whom he was giving "life advice" to?
September 4, 2024 - Hour 3
Barbara believes her 15-year-old granddaughter has reached a new level of attention-seeking, but could it be that she isn't given attention at home?
September 3, 2024 - Hour 1
Is it Diane's place to continue reading 20 years worth of her grandmother's diaries?