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May 5, 2011 - Hour 3
Hour 3: It`s the Dr. Laura talenthour! Listen up for an impromptu trumpet performance and a spine-tinglingrendition of the Star Spangled Banner/ Sue`s parents refuse to pay their shareof living expenses / Cindy`s daughter will not eat healthy food, which
May 5, 2011 - Hour 2
Hour 2: Angela may have drastically altered the course of her daughter`s life by discouraging the pursuit of Disc Jockey stardom / Keep up with Dr. Laura after the show by visiting or
May 5, 2011 - Hour 1
Hour 1: An effective cure for the common headache is sex, so cross it off your list of excuses and listen as Dr. Laura explains the myriad benefits of making love / Sharon discovered a check for $60 written to her daughter, for her daughter, by her daught
May 4, 2011 - Hour 3
Hour 3: Eddie is a self-described “recovering-jerk” but his wife believes the condition persists / Dee Dee`s daughter prefers to party in Miami rather than take care of her kids / Jana lost her temper with the kids and, get this!...She put herself in time
May 4, 2011 - Hour 2
Hour 2: Erin`s husband has a few icky properties, but will his charming qualities outweigh the funk? / Eunice is struggling to cope with an extremely difficult life; she has no friends, no self-esteem, and little hope for the future…until now.
May 4, 2011 - Hour 1
Hour 1: Dr. Laura talks about Royal prenups and marriage advice for the rest of us / Glenna`s husband still has a crush on his girlfriend from 30 years ago / Shhh! Lynn`s Mother-in-law is forcing her children to keep secrets
May 3, 2011 - Hour 3
HOUR 3: Barbie is having trouble turning her husband on sexually. / Andrea, widowed at 25, is already getting remarried at 29. / Kathy is going on a date for the first time in years and is incredibly nervous.
May 3, 2011 - Hour 2
HOUR 2: CJ needs Dr. Laura to motivate him to start finally losing weight. / Patti`s 18 year-old daughter wants to move out of state with her boyfriend. / Isabel, recently diagnosed with Bell`s palsy, has to go a job interview.
May 3, 2011 - Hour 1
Hour 1: Is it a good idea for parents to allow teens to drink if supervised? / How much freedom should Serena give her children?/ Diane can`t seem to get her husband to stop being such a mama`s boy.
May 2, 2011 - Hour 3
Hour 3: Bob would like for his son to repeat the 4 th grade in order to gain an athletic advantage for college sports / Louise`s struggle with her weight is intensifying and she calls the show for some encouragement from Dr. Laura