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February 14, 2012 - Hour 3
Alcohol fueled physical abuse at the hands of her man did not deter Lisa from creating a family and hoping for a day when her troubles would end.
February 14, 2012 - Hour 2
Chantel is going (on and off) with a man who clearly does not have her best interests at heart, and even knowing this, Chantel keeps coming back for more. Dr. Laura helps refocus Chantel's future away from what might become a wasted life.
February 14, 2012 - Hour 1
Dr. Laura's Lovey Dovey Day 2012 brings you stories of love gone right, wrong, and everything in between. We begin with Mike, who despite his relatively young age, is flustered with his attempts at finding the perfect woman.
February 13, 2012 - Hour 2
Tracy strongly suspects her 20 year-old daughter is doing hard drugs, but is unsure how to approach the topic or what sanctions to impose. / Jill is concerned about her daughter's dramatic weight loss - could this be an eating disorder? All signs point to yes but Jill is afraid to say anything.
February 13, 2012 - Hour 3
Tom's mother tells him he's destined for a dreary afterlife due to his sexual orientation.
February 13, 2012 - Hour 1
Signs to watch for overscheduled children / Debbie needs advice on making a public address about child abuse, a topic that has affected Debbie on a personal level. What Debbie receives from Dr. Laura is far more important than a quick tip on public speaking.
February 10, 2012 - Hour 2
A new state and fresh start means Wendy's fresh out of friends. Lucky for her, Dr. Laura's a people person.
February 10, 2012 - Hour 3
Melissa's husband has been "keeping busy" since she left him just a few months ago. Bizarrely, she's still spending "quality time" with him. The question is, will Dr. Laura have any time for the whole fiasco?
February 10, 2012 - Hour 1
The pitfalls of Facebook / Janice thinks she's caught her husband red handed. And that's not the only thing she's caught... He's claiming innocence, but what's Dr. Laura's verdict?
February 09, 2012 - Hour 2
Nancy is very worried about the recent behavior of her 3 year-old son, whose actions and words indicate signs of sexual abuse.