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Apr 23, 2020 - Hour 1
Carmen's therapist shared her own personal beliefs on religion that conflicted with her own. Was this appropriate for her therapist to do or should she find a new counselor?
Apr 23, 2020 - Hour 2
Kirsten and her boyfriend are Christians but he likes to view scantily clad women online. Should Carmen expect for him to change over time or should she end this relationship now?
Apr 23, 2020 - Hour 3
Ms. B wants to foster several children but is worried she may be taking on too much. Should she accept all 3 children at once or limit the number to what she can truly handle?
Apr 22, 2020 - Hour 1
Brooklyn was supposed to get married this summer but would rather elope. With the spread of COVID-19...should Brooklyn continue with the original plans or elopement instead?
Apr 22, 2020 - Hour 2
Kayla's mom gets upset if she doesn't hear from her daughter daily. What can Kayla say to her mother to tone down her neediness?
Apr 22, 2020 - Hour 3
Beca's husband watches porn frequently and lies too! What can Beca do to fix her marriage and be happy again?
Apr 21, 2020 - Hour 1
Frank's wife wants to leave their marriage after attending a high school reunion and meeting an old friend. What can Frank do to identify his own flaws and save his marriage?
Apr 21, 2020 - Hour 2
Sandy's children are home from college and sleeping into the late afternoon hours. What can Sandy do to wake her kids up and participate with the family?
Apr 21, 2020 - Hour 3
Dana's mother-in-law buys gifts for her newborn child despite requests not to do so. What should Dana do the next time "Grandma" shows up with a gift?
Apr 20, 2020 - Hour 1
Young Amari wants to dye her hair and do herself up but her mom is against this. Should her mom be more lenient to this request or should Amari grow up?