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Jan 16, 2024 - Hour 1
Sarah and her husband are financing their daughter's wedding, but the guest list is stirring up trouble.
Jan 16, 2024 - Hour 2
Laura's been a supportive wife to her husband after his leg amputation last year, but caretaking has made her feel a little lost.
Jan 16, 2024 - Hour 3
James has learned that his 19-year-old daughter is going behind his back to get a car from her boyfriend's parents.
Jan 15, 2024 - Hour 1
Porcia struggles to see her ex-husband as a good person in the midst of their divorce, despite admitting he's a good father.
Jan 15, 2024 - Hour 2
John finds himself stuck in love with his ex-girlfriend, despite five months passing since their break-up.
Jan 15, 2024 - Hour 3
Sylvia's husband denies that he flirts with other women at social functions, but she's put up with it for 20 years.
Jan 12, 2024 - Hour 1
Best Of / Rosemary's wondering if she should clear up a lie being circulated about her around in the office.
Jan 12, 2024 - Hour 2
Best Of / Julie seeks Dr. Laura's wisdom on the next steps to take after finding out about her husband's same-sex affair.
Jan 12, 2024 - Hour 3
Best Of / Angie's in disbelief that her son has had enough of her nasty behavior toward her ex-husband and his father.
Jan 11, 2024 - Hour 1
Michael calls in with his mom to weigh the options of attending his local high school or staying at the boarding school he attends.