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August 29, 2024 - Hour 1
Karen wonders if it's normal for a boyfriend of several months to ask for money.
August 29, 2024 - Hour 2
Patrick's biological daughter has decided to cut the family off after a years-long rift with Patrick's foster daughter.
August 29, 2024 - Hour 3
Heather finds herself dissociating while taking care of her son as a stay-at-home mom.
August 28, 2024 - Hour 1
Sara's sister is mad that Sara isn't jumping for joy at her marriage announcement.
August 28, 2024 - Hour 2
How should Martha handle her daughter's fear of escalators and elevators?
August 28, 2024 - Hour 3
Joviannah calls in with Mom to ask Dr. Laura how to deal with being ignored by her bio-dad.
August 27, 2024 - Hour 1
Tina worries that her ex-daughter-in-law will continue to alienate the grandkids.
August 27, 2024 - Hour 2
Kim's children told her their reason for not liking her new boyfriend: he doesn't seem to care about her.
August 27, 2024 - Hour 3
How should Steve handle his wife's fear that he will die before her?
August 26, 2024 - Hour 1
Curtis' friends think he's too picky when dating, but could his personal life be the culprit?