 Years ago, I called you, saying I was debating moving about 5 hours drive away from my elderly mother... You reminded me that I had an obligation to continue visiting my mother and helping her out with various chores, regardless of my individual preferences.
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Tags: Adult Child-Parent, diet, Eat Less-Move More, Family/Relationships - Adult Child/Parent, Health, Personal Responsibility, Read On-Air, Response To A Call, responsibility
 I got this email from a self-described former "bad" wife, and I'll let it speak for itself:
Dear Dr. Laura:
Some people are recovering alcoholics.' I am a recovering bad wife.' I don't know much about the 12 step programs, but from the little TV I watch, I recall that the first step is to recognize that you have a problem, so here I go:
My name is S., and I am a bad wife.' My addiction is not alcohol.' My addiction is the "blame-it-all-on-the-husband" or "take-it-all-out-on-the-husband addiction.
I know you've described all of my symptoms much better than I can and much more eloquently in "The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands," and that you've also given me the solutions to become a better wife, but I think my first step needs to be acknowledging my problem.
I acknowledge that I have too much on my plate, and that I cannot do it all well, and that my husband's needs and desires have been at the bottom of my priority list for a long time.' People will tell you I am a really nice person, always ready to help, and yet the one person I
be caring about the most (my husband), does not get the respect, the love, and the care that he deserves.
As of today, I am no longer a bad wife.' I am a
bad wife, and I vow to be the girlfriend and wife my husband deserves.
Thank you, Dr. Laura, for hammering good sense into my head.
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Tags: diet, Eat Less-Move More, Health, Marriage, Social Issues
 I was enthralled when on a vacation trip with my husband and then adolescent son, we visited the actual homes of the Anasazi Indians.' The drive through Arizona was amazing, but climbing the sheer cliffs of the Anasazi dwellings was astonishing.' They actually lived, with newborns and toddlers, in completely open 5-6 foot indentations in the rock with some six feet between where they slept and ate and played....from a drop of at least 1000 feet.' I honestly don't know how many kids fell to their untimely deaths - but I guess that was a very rare occurrence as these folks lived there successfully for centuries.Contrast this to some irresponsible and outrageous parents living upstairs in a duplex in Oregon.' A toddler fell out of the window and injured her head.' Never mind that the mother had left this child alone with an open window...she sued the landlord.' To add stupid to absurd, the jury found for...the mother... to the tune of $560,000!The company plans to appeal...I sure hope they succeed.' The jurors actually held the landlord responsible for not telling the parents about the danger of open windows....DUH?I guess a primitive tribe of Indians has better sense than an educated, middle class woman living in a duplex with indoor plumbing.But what is with that silly jury?' I'll tell you: it is part of the growing infantilization of American culture: be responsible for nothing...make somebody else responsible!' This is a moral decline which will have more and more negative impact on America, which is no longer a "bootstraps" kinda culture...it has become a "bailout" kinda culture.Then again...remember Flip Wilson's famous signature line:' "The
made me do it!"'' Which is why I'm not responsible for these comments if you're offended.
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Tags: diet, Eat Less-Move More, Health, Parenting, Personal Responsibility, Quote of the Week